Jan Van den Bussche

Some photos of me
Professor, Universiteit Hasselt, databases & theoretical computer science group

Office Address: Universiteit Hasselt, Agoralaan building D, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium

Mailing Address: Universiteit Hasselt, Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium

Office: D250b, Tel: +32-11-268226

E-mail: jan.vandenbussche@uhasselt.be

You can see a list of my publications with many of them online. My general area of research is the theoretical foundations of data management (databasetheory.org). An added focus is data management as a crucial service to AI, as well as making data management more intelligent in itself.

Slides of some of my talks may be online...

Check out my papers on DNA computing! Here is a great cartoon on DNA computers. There is a good popular science introduction to Natural Computing.

My doctoral advisor was Jan Paredaens. My own doctoral students are Dore Staquet; Juno Steegmans; Maxime Jakubowski (PhD obtained May 2024); Heba Aamer (February 2023); Jelle Hellings (co-advised with Marc Gyssens, April 2018); Dimitri Surinx (December 2017); Jonny Daenen (co-advised with Frank Neven, September 2016); Bart Bogaerts (co-advised with Marc Denecker and Joost Vennekens, June 2015); Tom Ameloot (June 2013); Joris Gillis (May 2013); Natalia Kwasnikowska (June 2011); Dirk Leinders (April 2008); Stefan Raeymaekers (co-advised with Maurice Bruynooghe, January 2008); Eveline Hoekx (December 2007); Stijn Vansummeren (2005); Raymondus Kosala (co-advised with Maurice Bruynooghe, June 2003); Bart Goethals (2002); Floris Geerts (2001); Frank Neven (1999).

I chaired the Executive Committee of PODS for the editions 2017 and 2018.

From 2001 until March 2011 I served as chair of the ICDT Council. The current chair is Dan Olteanu.

Theoretical Computer Scientists for Future

Last updated: Thu Aug 22 17:50:58 CEST 2024